Le doute
Série dramatique / 2019 / Grande-Bretagne / S1 E6
(2.7) | 60min.
Julia returns home, still reeling from the revelation that Benjamin killed a shopkeeper when he was a teenager. Julia overhears Patrick on the phone to Heidi and realizes he's cheating on Eimear; she's disappointed in her son. She gets into bed and falls into an uneasy sleep. She's woken by her daughter. Della isn't one for sentimentality but says it must have been incredibly lonely having no-one on her side about Benjamin. But Della is proud of the way Julia's stuck to her guns. She's taken a leaf out of her mum's book and invited Emily as her plus one. Della helps Julia into her wedding dress and gives her a rare hug. Julia covertly meets Ted. Ted thinks it's because she can't get re-married as she still loves him. He thinks they can get back to the way they were. Julia doesn't want that! She never spoke about his violence so is as guilty as him for burying it. But now she needs to know about the moment just before: from not doing to doing. Can violent people ever change? Ted realizes that she's talking about Benjamin, it's not about him at all. When she reveals she would have left, but he attempted suicide so she couldn't, he hits her across the face. There's her answer. Julia stands at the bedroom window, lip bloodied. She throws her things into a bag and drives off. She calls Benjamin, tells him it's over. Benjamin tries to find Julia at the Day house. He rummages through the safe and finds the pre-nup with his faked signature on. Benjamin rushes to Marsha's thinking she might be with Ted. Marsha tells him Julia's not the type to get cold feet. He realizes where she could be and hurries off. Benjamin heads to the cliffs where he proposed. He finds Julia's car and discovers a letter she's written him telling him everything he is, is a lie, which means everything they've had is the same. Benjamin goes to the edge of the cliff, believes she's jumped off. He's preparing to jump when he glimpses her on the beach. Benjamin confronts Julia. She says if he'd told her the truth she might have been able to get past it. But he erased everything about himself: his brother, even his name. Benjamin reveals he grew up in poverty with an alcoholic mother. Kieran tried to look after them but accidentally killed a shopkeeper in a robbery gone wrong. Benjamin insists he didn't hurt the shopkeeper : he could never kill anyone. Julia doesn't believe him. Benjamin takes Julia to see Kieran and asks him to tell Julia the truth about what happened. Kieran reluctantly admits that he was the one who killed the shopkeeper. Kieran turns on Benjamin and says that Julia gives him all the things he's never had: money, status and a mother who loves him. Benjamin and Julia leave. Alone, Julia asks why Benjamin took the blame? Benjamin says that Kieran would have gone to prison whereas he went to a Young Offenders institution. Benjamin thought he was saving Kieran : it's what kept him going through his sentence. But when he was released he found Kieran had turned out just like their mum. It had all been for nothing. So he left home and changed his name.