Le doute
Série dramatique / Grande-Bretagne / S1 E3
(3.3) | 60min.
It's the anniversary of CLAYTON's death, Marsha's late husband. She receives a "With Sympathy" card from Julia which she hides from Ted. It prompts Marsha to go round to Julia's. Julia invites Marsha in. Marsha says that she's missed her. Julia retorts that she's never said sorry to her for cheating with Ted. Marsha obviously wants to be forgiven but says that's up to Julia. Julia watches Benjamin arrive from the window and can't help but be suspicious as it looks like he's flirting with Marsha. Julia escorts Marsha to the exit, she's no longer welcome. Marsha goes to the graveyard and puts flowers on Clayton's grave. She gets home late and sees daughter CALI in the garden. Cali immediately goes inside. Marsha calls after her that she is allowed to miss Clayton too. Patrick and Della turn up at Julia's unannounced. They want to speak to Julia in private. Benjamin, put out, agrees to go for a walk. Patrick and Della show Julia the photos of Benjamin with another woman. Patrick believes Benjamin is targeting older women for financial reasons and then reveals he's due to be evicted. Julia thanks them for telling her. Patrick and Della drive off. Marsha gives Benjamin a lift into the village. Benjamin asks how Marsha came to cheat with her best friend's husband. Marsha reveals that Clayton died of a heart attack years ago. The day Cali went to university Marsha lost it. She was meant to be having dinner with Julia and Ted but she cancelled. Ted turned up : he hadn't got the message. He comforted her, then kissed her. And that's how it started. Marsha suggests he go back bearing gifts. She gives him money. Benjamin comes back with flowers for Julia. She lies and says that the children were squabbling about holiday dates for the villa. Benjamin didn't realize Julia has a villa, it's clear her wealth excites him. Julia asks Benjamin what he got up to in London. He replies he just pined for her which only confirms her suspicions. Julia throws Benjamin's stuff on the bonfire. He confronts her but she screams that she knows that he preys on sad, old women, like her. How many of us are there? Benjamin realizes that was the reason for Patrick and Della's visit. Benjamin shows Julia an email from Zac proving he took a client out to dinner. Why didn't she just ask him about it instead of believing her kids? Julia tries to put the fire out but Benjamin's stuff is ruined. He decides to leave. Julia asks him not to go. Benjamin says that her reaction proves that she doesn't trust him. Julia agrees : she doesn't trust anyone. Benjamin says he wouldn't do what Ted (and Marsha) did.