Le doute
Série dramatique / 2019 / Grande-Bretagne / S1 E5
(2.6) | 55min.
Leo's 25th birthday. Kieran turns up unexpectedly looking for Benjamin : he's his half-brother. Benjamin is shocked to see him. Julia puts on a mask in front of her children and welcomes Kieran. Patrick and Leo interrogate Benjamin who admits he hasn't seen Kieran in seventeen years. Kieran and Benjamin leave. Patrick says he's never heard mention of this brother. Julia says it's no surprise, Patrick can barely bring himself to exchange pleasantries with him. Family isn't always easy. To Leo's dismay Patrick decides to leave taking his family and Della with him. Leo finds Patrick's phone where he sees a text from Heidi; Patrick's having an affair. Leo turns up at Marsha's to see Ted, wanting to bring him up to speed on the latest development with Benjamin : he's been caught out in a whopper of a lie! Ted doesn't want to hear it. Leo realizes his dad still loves Julia and says there's still time to stop the wedding. Leo and Cali smoke a joint in the garden. Leo believes his parents would be thriving if it wasn't for Marsha. Cali reveals they're sleeping in separate beds which prompts Leo to make a plan to get his parents back together. Julia confronts Benjamin who says that when he left home he did the easiest thing, pretended he was an only child. It stopped being a lie, it became normal. Julia wants to be reassured that there's no more secrets. Benjamin promises there's nothing else. Julia wants to get to know Kieran, invites him for breakfast. Kieran shows Julia a photo of the two of them when they were little, standing outside an estate. Julia takes a photo of it with her phone. Leo has arranged to spend the day with Julia. She is shocked when Ted turns up. Leo asks outright why they're avoiding each other. They both deny it. Leo is pleased: there's no reason they both can't spend the day with him. Julia slips and Ted catches her: they laugh. Leo is pleased his plan is working. Julia remarks she has a lot to sort with the wedding which ends with her and Ted arguing. Leo is mortified when it comes out that Julia knows he knew about Ted's affair. Julia and Ted storm off. In the car Leo reveals to Julia that Ted had promised he was going to fix things with her. He thinks Benjamin ruined everything. Julia says that whatever went wrong between her and Ted, it went wrong long before Benjamin. Leo is on a bender and bumps into Kieran. Leo wants to know why he and Benjamin really stopped speaking. Kieran stands up for Benjamin. Kieran gives Leo a lift home, advises him to clean up his act.