Le doute
Série dramatique / 2019 / Grande-Bretagne / S1 E4
(2.6) | 60min.
Julia says yes to Benjamin's proposal. Julia and Benjamin go ring shopping: she eyes an expensive ring, whilst he looks at something much cheaper. They bump into Ted and Marsha. Benjamin is all ready to tell them their news but Julia hurries them on. Benjamin tells her that they're going to have to tell Ted at some point. Julia looks at a photograph album of her wedding to Ted; is it regret she's feeling? Patrick's family and Della arrive for Christmas. Julia's about to tell them their news but everyone disperses : the moment missed. Della is upset that Benjamin's taken over her room as an office. Julia says that she is paying for his MA but he's going to pay her back. Julia overhears as Benjamin talks to Ally. He's told her their engagement news. Julia responds that she will tell her kids. At dinner that evening Julia announces that she and Benjamin are getting married. The whole room is shocked. Leo asks what about dad? But Julia says that he lost the right to have his feelings considered when he slept with her best friend. Leo asks when the big day is. Wanting to save her children's feelings Julia says that it won't be a long time which unsettles Benjamin. Patrick, Della and Leo don't take the news at all well. Julia informs Ted that she's marrying Benjamin. Ted thinks it's obvious why Benjamin wants to marry her: for her money. Ted thinks she's still in love with him, thinks this is some kind of revenge. She retorts that if she knew back then what kind of man he really was, she would never have married him. Julia returns from Ted's and blares the car horn in the driveway until her children come outside. She refuses to spend any more of her life doing things for other people. She wants to get married in September and wants to do it here. If her children can't be supportive she'd like them to keep their mouths shut. Benjamin is delighted. Della finds Julia and apologizes: she should have done what a normal person would and said congratulations. So: congratulations. Ted takes out his aggro out in the gym. He reveals to Marsha that Julia's marrying Benjamin. Ted pretends he's not affected by the news, initiates sex. Ted is tempted to break his years of sobriety. At that moment Leo calls. Leo tells his dad about Julia's engagement. Ted is relieved that Leo's saved him from himself.